Check Ups

Week 40:

Mommy weights 187.2.

Baby's heartbeat: 144 bpm

2 cent dialated - cervix stripped

next appt if needed: Monday 24th

Induction if needed: Wednesday 26th

Week 39:

Mommy weights....well, let's just say it's enough. ok, Mommy is at 189.4 - that's fully clothed with shoes! If I see 1..9..0...I might lose it!

Baby is consistent! Heartbeat at 140 bmp

Little over 1 cent dialated...big whoop.

Next appt: delivery or May 17th

Week 38:

Mommy weights 188.6

Baby's heartbeat - 140 bmp - consistent little bugger

Things are starting to happen.  I'm a tiny bit dialated and "softening" has begun.

Next appt: May 10th

Week 37:

Mommy weights 186.6

Baby's heartbeat - 140 bmp

Baby is full term - now we're just waiting for arrival

Next appt: May 3rd

Week 36:

Mommy weights 183.6

Baby's heartbeat - 148 bmp

head down was confirmed again

Mommy has some swelling, but nothing to be concerned about

baby is considered full term at 37 weeks! Most importantly, this means lungs have fully developed, which has been one of my little fears. We're almost there!

Next appt: April 26th

Week 34:

Mommy weights 179.4

Baby's heartbeat - 140 bmp

All else is well.

next appt: April 19th

WEEK 30:

Mommy weights 172.6

Baby's heartbeat - 128 bmp

Baby's head is down, getting ready for the big day.

Mommy had a pelvic check, everything is just fine.

Next appt: April 5th

WEEK 26 -

Mommy weights 170 (STILL 1 lb under my first appointment weight)

Baby's heartbeat - 140 bpm

Mommy failed glucose test - get's to do the 3 hour glucose tolerance test - oh joy.

Mommy has to start taking iron supplements twice daily.

Pregnancy is still considered "low risk".

Next appt - March 11th

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