Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Nursery and Nesting

We finally have a "nursery".  It's a little make shift, but it will do until we move into the new house this summer. The daunting task of packing my craft room was finally managed this past weekend thanks to the nesting instinct finally kicking in. It actually kicked in on Thursday while at work. I cleaned out my entire desk and started organizing for my temporary replacement. It carried over once I got home.  I also had a bit of a panic attack Thursday night/ Friday morning. I realized I had a lot to do before baby arrives. I took most of Friday as a personal day and got lot's done.

We did quite a bit of shopping on Saturday at Babies R Us.  Jeff was just as overwhelmed by the store as I was when I did the initial registry.  We purchased a few "necessities".  We bought some bottles, drying rack and bottle brush. Mirror for the car to see what kiddlet is up to in his/her car seat. Window shades to block the sun in the car. Changing table pad and cover, and the swing.  I set up the swing on Sunday night after returning from another shopping trip to Target (where I got more stuff). Then I worked on the baby's room some more. By the end of the night, I had the pack n play set up where the crib will go, diapers out of the package and in the special place for diapers, clothes washed and hung in the closet, stuffed animals and blankets out, and our new(old) glider chair in it's place. I even put up some monkey decals on the wall above where the crib will be to give the room a decorated look. After all my hard work was done, I sat in the glider and stared at the room. Eventually Jeff came in and sat down and did the same thing. He finally says "I can't believe a baby Anderson will be in the room in just a few weeks." Yep - my thoughts exactly.

I will try to post some pictures this week. Oh, and Frankie loves the baby's room. We think she might think it's her room. She waits for us to open the door when we get home for the day, then she just pokes around to make sure everything is in it's place, then lays down on the floor in the sun. She loves it. She does not like the stroller and swing, but we'll work on that.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 36

What a great weekend!

Baby shower yesterday. Had a fantastic time. Not sure what to do with all this stuff, but feeling very blessed to have so many wonderful family and friends to share the excitement with and am very thankful for all the gifts! (pics later this week)

Then today was date day with hubby. We enjoyed an awesome Twins game at new Target Field (ok, so they didn't win...)

Jeff caught a foul ball. That was definetly the highlight. We had really good seats and tons of fun!

We even took my bump update picture at the ballpark!

Me and my bump at 36 weeks

Mommy and Daddy

View from our seats

Daddy's gift for baby!

Friday, April 9, 2010

A tea party for Baby Anderson and Mommy (and Daddy too)

My office held a baby shower for Jeff and I yesterday.  It was a fabulous tea party! (Crystal was at it once again!) When I first walked into the room, I was completely overwhelmed and I started to cry. I had to excuse myself to the bathroom to compose myself.  Then I almost started crying again when Jeff arrived.  It was such a beautiful shower.  The food was excellent and the cake....OMG!!!! It was SO GOOD! (It was a Patticake from YUM bakery in St. Louis Park).

18 people were present at my party.  That includes my boss' wife Bev who came in just for the occasion. She had lot's of good advise, and her and Bill were very entertaining. :)

We opened lot's of amazing gifts, including an adorable handmade blanket covered with monkeys and a small handmade blankie with lot's of fun ribbons sewn to the edges for baby to discover.  Handmade gifts really touch my heart. It was so nice that these ladies put themselves into gifts for our little one.

I had a great time at the party and it was very hard to go back to my desk when it was done and work for the rest of the day. (but I did...I was swamped!)

Here are some pics from the party:

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"The Kelli Belly"

I love that title! :)

Here is a link to more photo's from my belly session a few weeks ago...

Tina Vega Photography

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

34 weeks

I still feel pretty good. Here's what I hear a lot:

"Are you ready to be done?"

No. I am still fairly comfortable. I haven't gained a ton of weight. I'm rarely swollen. And I'm just not ready to be a mommy quite yet.

"You're pretty small for xx weeks/months"

Bless those who say this to me! I feel like strangers look at me differently now than even a few weeks ago.  I feel like I'm getting the "oh, that poor lady" instead of "oh, look at that cute pregnant lady". I know it's in my head, but still....

"Are you getting excited?"

Really? Why do people ask this? I just want to say, "nope. decided to give the dumpling away. mommyhood...ick." Of course I'm excited!

"Looking forward to that first cocktail?"

YES! I miss the taste of beer fiercly.  Especially Dos Equies. Fajita's just haven't been the same without Dos Equies.

So enough about that.

Other updates:

Still waiting to hear about the hosue. Should be any day now. I'm more anxious about that than having this baby. I think it's because I KNOW I'm having a baby, but I don't KNOW where I'll be living. Makes me a little nutty.

Allergies - HOLY CRAP! It started Saturday night with a sore throat. I feel like complete poo today. At my appointment yesterday (see Check Ups page) my doc said I can take Claritan.  It helps a little, but I still want to die. I hope this goes away really soon! My work shower is on Thursday, and I want to be able to enjoy it!