Tuesday, May 18, 2010

40+ weeks...

Mommy at 40 weeks

Just waiting...

Had a Dr. appt today.  He stripped my cervix - fun - to see if that might get things going. Otherwise, I'm dialated to 2 cent. I will have another appointment next Monday if needed, and induction will be next Wednesday night.  I would go to the hospital Wed evening and stay overnight to see how it goes. I don't feel like that will be necessary.  I can't imagine still being pregnant in a week! Yikes!

Maternity leave has been a little boring, but mostly because I'm just waiting, and waiting, and waiting.

I did buy a new car today. That was fun.  I got a 2003 Ford Escape XLT. It's blue - love it! Fully loaded, so I'm very happy.

So, until something happens....tick tock tick tock.

my new ride

Monday, May 17, 2010

Maternity Leave with no baby...yet.

Maternity leave has begun. Friday was my first day off.  It just felt like a regular day off.  Today feels different. 

The weekend was pretty mellow. I didn't do a whole lot.  Saturday I started a puzzle, finished in on Sunday. Ran an errand on Saturday - Walmart - ick. But I did find a nice camera bag for our new camcorder at a great price.  Sunday my greatest adventure was grocery shopping.  I made peel and eat shrimp with homemade oven fries and garlic bread. 

This baby is very comfy in his/her home.  I have another Dr. appt tomorrow.  I thought it would have been today, but my Doc was booked all day.  So, tomorrow we'll discuss a "plan".  I'm not sure how over he'll have me go.  What I really like about Dr. M is his more natural approach to the process.  He won't induce unless he thinks it's necessary for baby or me. I'm fine with that. I feel pretty comfortable still.  Sleeping is a challenge, but I imagine the constant waking up to pee is just preparing me for the constant waking to feed. :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Home Stretch

Well, here we are...in the final days. Due date is 5 days away. I can't believe it's almost time! I can barely remember being 20 weeks pregnant and it seems to long ago! This 9+ months has been very long, short, rewarding, amazing, educational, exciting, and many other feelings I just can't seem to wrap my head around.

I don't feel like I'm having a baby any time soon. I know things are happening, but it just feels so "status quo" right now.

I'm a little over 1 cent dialated. I've had plenty of practice contractions (Braxton Hicks) some more unpleasant than others, but nothing too serious.

So, we wait. We wait for little baby Anderson to make his/her debut.

tick tock tick tock.....