Monday, May 10, 2010

Home Stretch

Well, here we the final days. Due date is 5 days away. I can't believe it's almost time! I can barely remember being 20 weeks pregnant and it seems to long ago! This 9+ months has been very long, short, rewarding, amazing, educational, exciting, and many other feelings I just can't seem to wrap my head around.

I don't feel like I'm having a baby any time soon. I know things are happening, but it just feels so "status quo" right now.

I'm a little over 1 cent dialated. I've had plenty of practice contractions (Braxton Hicks) some more unpleasant than others, but nothing too serious.

So, we wait. We wait for little baby Anderson to make his/her debut.

tick tock tick tock.....


  1. I can hardly wait to meet Baby Anderson! Until then I get to have all sorts of fun conversations about birthing videos! haha

  2. I can't believe the day is almost here either :) I feel like it was just the other day you directed me to this blog to spill the beans! Be sure you give Dad a big list of people he'll need to call or text so we know what's happening and WHEN it happens!
